Hants White, LLC
Dynamic Orthotic Arch Supports™
These Dynamic Orthotic Arch Supports™
(DOAS) are special. These insoles do not fit the foot, they adjust the foot, then support that foot in an adjusted position as the user walks on them. The foot gradually conforms to them and in the process, they help with problems created in the foot and body while the foot was not properly aligned and supported.Available in 26 sizes and 2 flex variations.
Our DOAS are made from a proprietary blend of the highest quality materials. They have a soft touch, good flexibility properties along with superior energy damping capabilities and a long and satisfactory life expectancy.They are proudly produced in the USA.
We most often recommend that our clients use the maximum flex
"FirmFlex". However, the medium flex "MidFlex" should be used in specific situations; such as where the client is diabetic, older, sedentary, or may potentially have trouble adapting to the FirmFlex of the DOAS.Hants White's Premium Comfort Cushions HD™
Premium Comfort Cushions HD™ are designed for people with diabetes, arthritis or other conditions that result in sensitive feet, along with those who just want a superior cushion for their shoes. Premium Comfort Cushions HD™ are constructed of a super tough nylon covering bonded to a premium quality, extra thick high-density sponge rubber base. Available in 5 sizes. Premium Comfort Cushions HD™ may be used either over or under our Dynamic Orthotic Arch Supports™ or as a stand alone shoe or boot cushion.